Monday, December 13, 2010

Patrick Perez's Birthday Party

Obiwan attended his first birthday party. It was my boss' son's 6th birthday in Blue Whale in Fun Ranch.

Obiwan wasn't used to seeing so many people he didn't know so he wouldn't let go of for practically the whole time we were there. We watched the magic show but a few tricks after, he was already asleep.

He did enjoy the loot bag because it had Mickey Mouse all over it. And he ate a lot of french fries and some chicken fingers.

After the party, we rode a train which went around the Fun Ranch. And we rode the airplane ride.

All in all, it was a great party. I hope next time Obiwan will be more at ease so he can play with some of the other children.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Obiwan!

I last posted Oct 30?! With me moving to a different house and a different office, I forgot to update my blog/s.

So Obiwan had his 2nd birthday last Sunday. The plan was for the whole family to go to Manila Ocean Park. I've been there once and I had a great time. While I was there, all I thought about was how happy the place would make Obiwan feel. He loves fish. Well at least the ones on screensavers. He hasn't seen any fish swimming in aquariums but I know he'd love those. I'll also bring him to the other section in Manila Ocean Park where they have jellyfish. The light makes the jellyfish seem like they're glowing.

But alas, he was sick since Friday. Fever was on and off. I brought him to the pediatrician on Saturday and found out that his throat was inflamed which caused his temperature to change. Sometimes he would be his usual self, running all over the place, then the next minute he would be down and sweet and won't want to move.

Luckily on the day of his birthday, his temperature was normal. I decided that we'll just eat out at Trinoma. He loves Trinoma. He can even say it and he knows what it looks like. Well, he knows there's a merry-go-round there. Maybe we'll just go to Manila Ocean Park next time.


I gave him a toy car for his birthday. He loves cars. He reads the newspaper just to look at pictures of cars.