Monday, May 18, 2009

I dreampt of Obiwan

A few days ago I dreampt of Obiwan. I think it's my first dream about him. Maybe it's the first that I remember.

Obiwan was about 4 years old in my dream. I was out eating with my friends and Obiwan was playing by himself around the restaurant where I was. Obiwan ran to me and asked if I can buy him some twin-popsies. And then all my eating friends disappeared and Obiwan disappeared. I made my way out of the establishment and a '35 Cabriolet pulled up. Out came around 15 people dressed in 30's fashion carrying tommy guns. They lined up on the street, 5 people wide and 3 people deep, and opened fire on me. I danced like a rag doll while bullets riddled my body. When they stopped, I was still alive. I got my tommy gun out and fired upon my attackers in a sweeping motion. Their frontline fell. I ran another wave of bullets and their second row fell. And then I woke up...

1 comment:


there is only one explanation on that... Your subconscious is telling you to make Obiwan, you family and friends your top priority over mafia Wars harharhar