Thursday, August 19, 2010

Obiwan Vocabulary

Obiwan has been speaking for a few months now but is still unable to say sentences. He understands people around him but he can't articulate what he wants to well. Sometimes he tells stories about what happened or what he saw but it's mostly all vowels and him pointing to things.

These are a few words he can actually say and what he means:

Daddy = Daddy
Mommy/Mama/Ma = Mommy (He calls my mother Mommy)
Papa = Papa (He used to call my father lolo but everyone else calls him Papa so he just did the same)
Toto = Tito
Shasha = Tita Sasha
Tota = Tita
Dada = Ate Marie
Berly = Yaya Jonalyn
Tis = Tess
Pidi = Freddy

Kukay = Cereal (It was originally for Coco Crunch but he calls any cereal kukay)
Pantit = Pancit (He loves pancit)
Didi = Milk

Meng/Memeng = Cat
Pati = Dove
Pis = Cockroach
Pis Ptay = Dead cockroach
Shus/Patos = Shoes
Vroom vroom = Car
Bus = Bus

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