Our company, Stream Global Services, had Trick or Treat for the employees children last Oct 29. Since Obiwan was old enough, I brought him along. Tita Maggie bought him a costume but it didn't fit so he just brought a hat shaped like a jack-o-lantern. But he didn't wear it because it irritated him.
What was supposed to happen was that my mom and sister would drop Obiwan at the office with my brother. We would go around the office trick or treating with the other children then we'll meet up again after.
It didn't go the way I thought it would. We rode the elevator from the 1st to the 12th floor and Obiwan was surprised. He must've been confused why he felt like he was moving up but when he looks around, everything stands still. Turns out that the registration was not at the 12th floor so we had to ride the elevator again to the 22nd floor. This time he was more stressed. I'm thinking his ears might've been popping and he might not have felt it before.
So we went with the group of children to go to my floor at the 17th. This time, Obiwan was crying loudly as we rode down then he'd promptly stop when we're off. We went around the floor to get some candies. He didn't want to walk so I carried him the whole way. We went around and when he felt like we were near the elevator, he started crying again and holding on to me tight. We stayed at the 17th floor instead. When he was a little bit more at ease, we went directly to the elevators and went down and left the building. The whole time, Obiwan was bawling and crying his eyes out. It's going to be some time before we start riding an elevator again.
After that, we went to Starbucks with the family then we ate lunch. They then brought me home and Tita Xylee and Ninong Mogs' mother was there. We were supposed to stay a bit so Obiwan can socialize with them but then there were also dogs in the house, one of which was barking loudly. It scared Obiwan and he didn't want to enter the house. He'd been to the zoo and he's generally not scared of big animals let alone a small dog. So out visit was short lived.
The whole experience must've been stressful for him but his family was always with him so at least he knows that we will always be there whenever he feels scared. Though it's just fitting that he be a little bit scared because it's halloween except that I didn't foresee that it would be caused by an elevator and a small Maltese dog.