Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Sagittarius Baby

I got this from Horoscope.com. I'm not into Astrology but I guess it comes with being a father. I just copied the article, my comments are in Blue italics.

The Sagittarius baby will surprise you with just how speedily he or she seems to learn to crawl out of their play pen and start clambering on everything and anything they can find. I can't wait for him to start crawling. I hope he starts crawling before I have to go back to work.

Sagittarius children are the most physically adventurous of the zodiac, and often will be walking with confidence long before their peers. They are also hungry little people and you wonder where they put all that food until you see the sheer energy it takes to keep up with them! That's true. He isn't satisfied with just one bottle. But he wouldn't need that much energy because he's asleep when he's not eating. One of Sagittarius’ most endearing characteristics is their absolute honesty. I hope this is true. No one likes a liar. Especially the father.

They are inquisitive and playful so you can expect to find all sorts of interesting doodles on your best furniture as well new uses for your most expensive cosmetics. However, as soon as they have redecorated your bedroom they will be so cute in how they tell you exactly what they have done that you will find it impossible not to smile. Aaaawwwww. C'mon Obiwan, grow up now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, your blog shows how happy you are with obiwan it really shows that you are going to be a great dad/master to your padawan. The force is strong in him, believe in him :) congratulations bro may the force be with you both !!!
[cue star wars credits song or darth vader march song]